kite surfing at South Shields

Kite flying for Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge

Lets Go Fly A Kite is our theme for Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge this week. We have had lots of family fun with kite flying over the years. I remember when our younger children were still quite small, we made a homemade kite from upcycled plastic sheeting – it was almost as big as the youngest child. This kite lasted several years but then our youngest decided he wanted to make the really old fashioned kind of kite – from broadsheet newspapers, sticky tape, garden canes and string. When it was completed, this one flew well and provided hours of fun on windy days.

kite surfer at South Shields

We generally go kite flying in our local park, close by to where we live, but on our Summer visits to the seaside at South Shields, we often see a different type of kite flying – kite surfers enjoying their energetic sport. Our seaside sport tends to be a little less exerting as we stroll off along the cliff-top path, enjoying the views of the rocky coastline and nature-watching as we go.

seagull flying over the sea

One of the pleasures of the coastal path walk is watching the sea birds as they ride high on the air currents or swoop low over the sea to seek out a tasty snack.

Marsden Rock, South Shields

As we walk a little further along the path above Marsden Bay, we can see Marsden Rock. The remaining piece of this Magnesian Limestone sea stack stands 50 metres high and is alive with seabirds. Kittiwakes, Herring Gulls and Cormorants tend to be the most numerous when we have visited. Many of these birds nest on the cliff edges of the stack. My photo was taken in late July so the youngsters would all have fledged by now. You can just make out the white dots of the birds flying around above the rock.

kite flying in the park

Here we are kite flying in our local park, our nearby kite flying area that I mentioned earlier. Our eldest son had found some Star Wars themed kites whilst away on his Summer travels and this windy day provided the ideal opportunity to try them out.

kite flying in the park

Sometimes big brothers are handy when you are having a spot of kite trouble. But a little readjusting of the string and up we go … just mind the trees and the electricity wires over there!

We do have one particularly well-remembered family kite incident – not on this visit but another time – when our youngest’s kite became stuck in a small tree. He was determined to retrieve it and so set off to climb the tree. This was not as easy as he’d anticipated, but he persevered. Just as he finally swung himself up into the branches, the wind blew the kite free from the tree! Oh the joys of kite flying 😀

Do take a look at what others have found for ‘Let’s Go Fly A Kite’ in Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge this week.

J Peggy Taylor

10 thoughts on “Kite flying for Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge

  1. Lovely photographs, Peggy! I recalled my childhood days when we, a group of cousins, used to go for kite flying near my Ganny’s place… Good old days! Thanks for this wonderful post 🙂

    1. Thank you Hugh 🙂
      We have had lots of family fun kite flying when our boys were younger. It’s always fun watching the energetic kite surfers as we take in the seascape and enjoy our Summer coast walk.

  2. This is in our place. Regards:)
    The Manipal Journal – Flying kite for a noble cause › Campus
    2 days ago – Manipal: To raise money for future community related projects, a kite flying festival called Tarang was organised by VSO at End Point on …

    1. What a wonderful idea for a fund raising activity! I loved the ‘One Sky One World’ slogan for your local kite festival … we could do with that slogan on a worldwide scale!

  3. Thank you so much for all those beautiful photos, it was like being there. In certain parts of our country there is a kite flying festival:)
    International Kite Festival in Gujarat – Uttarayan – Wikipedia ……/International_Kite_Festival_in_Gujarat_–_Uttarayan
    The International Kite Festival (Uttarayan) is regarded as one of the biggest festivals … Kite flying on the roof of a mosque in Ahmedabad for the Uttarayan …

    1. Glad you enjoyed my photos, Lakshmi 🙂 I have just been looking at some of the images on the internet of the Uttarayan Kite Festival – they are amazing! What wonderful kites!

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